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Printed On : 13-06-2024

Toorx Air Magnetic With Wireless Receiver RWX-200 Malta | Rowers Malta | Sports Malta | Fitness Malta | Training Malta | Weightlifting Malta | Wellbeing Malta | Tip Top Sports Malta | Tip Top Malta Toorx Air Magnetic With Wireless Receiver RWX-200 Malta | Rowers Malta | Sports Malta | Fitness Malta | Training Malta | Weightlifting Malta | Wellbeing Malta | Tip Top Sports Malta | Tip Top Malta Toorx Air Magnetic With Wireless Receiver RWX-200 Malta | Rowers Malta | Sports Malta | Fitness Malta | Training Malta | Weightlifting Malta | Wellbeing Malta | Tip Top Sports Malta | Tip Top Malta

Toorx Air Magnetic With Wireless Receiver RWX-200

Item Code:  TT19145

Was:  €699.00

Now: €599.00

Availability:  In stock


Product Details

The TOORX RWX-200 has an air braking system and magnetic resistance with a manual adjuster for a very smooth and intense paddling experience. Air resistance has been specifically studied to simulate the feeling of paddling through the water.


An air magnetic rower is a versatile and efficient fitness equipment that combines the advantages of both air resistance and magnetic resistance systems. Let's delve into the features and benefits of the air magnetic rower you described:


Flywheel: The rower features a 5kg flywheel, which contributes to the resistance and smoothness of the rowing motion. A heavier flywheel provides a more realistic rowing experience and ensures a consistent and fluid stroke.


Max User Weight: The rower is designed to support a maximum user weight of 120 kg, making it suitable for individuals with different body types and fitness levels. It provides stability and durability, accommodating a wide range of users.


Console LCD Screen: Equipped with a console LCD screen, the rower allows you to track essential workout information. You can monitor metrics such as time, distance, strokes per minute (SPM), calories burned, and more. This data helps you monitor your progress and set specific goals for your rowing sessions.


Smartphone and Tablet Support: The rower's console is designed to support smartphones and tablets, enabling you to connect your device and utilize fitness apps or entertainment while rowing. This feature enhances your workout experience and helps keep you engaged and motivated during your sessions.


Manual Resistance with 12-Step Adjuster: The rower offers manual resistance control, allowing you to adjust the intensity of your workout. The 12-step adjuster provides a range of resistance options, enabling you to increase or decrease the challenge according to your fitness goals and preferences.


Heart Rate Monitoring: The rower is equipped with a built-in wireless wrist receiver for heart rate monitoring. This feature allows you to track your heart rate during rowing sessions and ensure you're exercising within your target heart rate zone. It helps you optimize your workout intensity and make the most of your cardiovascular training.


Benefits of an Air Magnetic Rower:


Full-Body Workout: Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, including your legs, core, back, and arms. It provides a comprehensive, low-impact, and effective full-body workout that builds strength, endurance, and muscular tone.


Cardiovascular Fitness: Rowing is an excellent aerobic exercise that elevates your heart rate and improves cardiovascular health. It enhances lung capacity, strengthens the heart, and increases overall endurance.


Weight Management: Regular rowing workouts can aid in weight management by burning calories and improving metabolic efficiency. Rowing is a high-energy, calorie-burning exercise that helps you shed excess body fat and maintain a healthy weight.


Low-Impact and Joint-Friendly: Rowing is a low-impact exercise that puts minimal stress on your joints. It provides a smooth and fluid motion, reducing the risk of joint injuries and making it suitable for individuals with joint sensitivities or those recovering from injuries.


Posture and Core Strength: Rowing promotes proper posture and strengthens the core muscles. The pushing and pulling motion engages the abdominal muscles, lower back, and stabilizing muscles, helping improve posture and develop a strong core.


Convenient and Space-Saving: Having an air-magnetic rower at home offers convenience and saves space. It allows you to engage in a full-body workout without the need for large exercise equipment or leaving your home. You can easily fold and store the rower when not in use.

Effective Calorie Burning: Regular workouts on an air-magnetic exercise bike can help you burn calories and manage your weight effectively. The combination of cardiovascular exercise and muscle engagement leads to increased calorie expenditure during and after your workouts.


Improved Cardiovascular Health: Cycling on the air magnetic bike elevates your heart rate, improving your cardiovascular fitness. Consistent aerobic exercise helps strengthen your heart, improve lung capacity, and enhance overall cardiovascular health.


Customizable Workouts: With adjustable resistance levels and a range of pre-set programs or the ability to create your own, an air magnetic exercise bike allows you to customize your workouts according to your fitness level and goals.


Convenience and Accessibility: Having an air-magnetic exercise bike at home provides convenience and accessibility to exercise at any time without the need to travel to a gym. It allows you to incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle easily.


Key Specs

Maximum User Weight:
120 kg
magnetic (5 Kg) + air flywheel
Brake System:
Air and magnetic resistance with manual adjuster for a very smooth and intense rowing experience. The air resistance has been specifically studied to simulate the water rowing feeling.
Heart Rate:
Built-in wireless pulse receiver
Computer Functions:
Strokes/min, total strokes, calories, time, distance, pulse, scan
LCD display - smartphone/ tablet holder
Roller seat with ball bearings sliding on aluminum rail
Other Features:
Platform: Incline adjuster - ergonomic with straps
28 kg
Dimensions when Folded:
880 x 500 x 1810 mm
Dimensions when Assembled:
1810 x 500 x 880 mm
Packing size 1180 x 230 x 670 mm